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Monday, June 2, 2014

Last day of school!

It's here! The last day of school for the 2013-2014 school year has arrived. Summer is on our doorstep and I know the kiddos are excited! In my last post I linked several activities to do over the summer. I wanted to also provide you with information on various camps and workshops happening all over Cincinnati. 

These are a few that I found and I'm not being paid to endorse any of them! If you've had any experiences with any found on the list, good or bad, please feel free to share. 

I also shared in my last blog information on TenMarks, an online math program to keep your kiddos in the math mode over break.  Here is the summer access code: S14EES7907.  This information was also sent home in your child's summer work packet. 

Here are a couple tentative dates to remember for the fall. The ice cream social is scheduled for Monday, August 18th, time TBD.  Open house is scheduled for Tuesday, August 26th, time TBD. I hope to see everyone there! Enjoy the summer break!