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Monday, December 16, 2013

Making learning fun!

As break quickly arrives, you may be thinking, "I have 2 weeks with my kiddo at home. What can I do to keep him learning even though he is on break?" An easy solution is turning regular games into educational games. I have put a few of my favorites here on my blog to show you how it easy it is and you will have fun in the process!

Math Jenga

Turn an old Jenga came into a math facts game quickly with strips of paper and a marker! You write out math facts of any kind and glue or tape them onto the Jenga blocks. As you or your child pulls a block, a problem has to be solved!

You can make a version of this game with anything- states and capitals, geography, science, the possibilities are endless! You don't necessarily need a headband. You can make cards and have the person hold it up against their head and ask questions in order to guess while the other person gives a yes or no response. 

Checkers or Connect-4
Using the checker pieces, glue/tape pieces of paper with math facts or questions pertaining to a certain topic and the player has to answer a question before he uses his piece. 

These treats aren't board games but can be educational with measuring and mixing: 

I hope everyone has a joyful break full of family, downtime and fun times making memories!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I was in Macy's this past weekend and you'll never believe what I heard......If you said Christmas music, you're right! How is that possible? Thanksgiving hasn't even come yet and the stores are filtering in the holiday music. My ears weren't ready! I love holiday music but can't warm up to it until I've filled myself with turkey and stuffing! That being said, I hope you have your families have a wonderful holiday filled with love, laughter and a good pie or two! I have just a couple things for you:

1. If your child has me for SFA, I gave them Read and Respond papers they can use for extra credit. If they fill these out for tonight through Friday, I will give them 1 point per day extra for their team celebration points. It's not mandatory but I would love for them to continue reading over break.

2. I've been on this writing kick and today in SFA we did a snowball writing activity. This is where each student starts with the same writing prompt and writes for about 2 minutes. Then they pass their paper along to the next student where the story is picked up. We wrote for 12 minutes so approximately 6 students wrote on a page. These stories turn into funny stories and wind up ending differently than the person who started it may have intended! The prompt had a turkey holding a blank sign and said, " It is Thanksgiving Day and Tom the Turkey is in the farmyard holding a sign that says...." This would be fun to do as a family and then read the finished product at dinner! The younger kids could decorate the pages with pictures or attach their own. Let me know how it turns out if you try it!

3. I saw this simple dessert on Kraft you can make with your kids. They're little turkey cupcakes and I think they're adorable! I hope you enjoy the holiday cooking and baking with your loved ones!

Remember: Thanksgiving Break is Wednesday, November 27-November 29th. We will see you back at school on Monday, December 2nd. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

More writing information!

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I thought I would pass along this writing prompt in which kids can write what they are thankful for.  They can color it and post it for the family to see when you get together for the holiday. I also found another site that provides various pictures for students to use to create poems or stories. The site is called Storybird and it's free to sign up. Kids can choose from a large variety of illustrations to go along with their story or to start the creative juices flowing! I also saw kids can collaborate with other kids and comment on their work. If you check it out, let me know what you think!

Upcoming Evendale Events for November 

18-21 “Make a Change” Penny Wars Drive
19 Fall School Picture Retakes and Activity Pictures
22 Thanksgiving Feast, Kindergarten, Cafeteria
     Thanksgiving Feast, 1st Grade, Community Room
25-26 17th Annual Grand Days
27 Interim Reports go home
27 Conference Exchange Day, no school
28-29 Thanksgiving Break, no school

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Practicing Creative Writing

Kids need to practice creative, free form writing. Why do I say this? It's not because kids aren't writing in school. They are and they are often asked to write informational, descriptive,  and short story pieces on a topic. There's a specific outline and I'm grading them according to a certain rubric. I believe to become a better overall writer, kids need to free write on a topic of their choice knowing they're not be graded. A fun way to practice this is give your child an interesting picture (real or cartoon) without a caption and have them write a story to explain what's going on. You can also find story starters that give you a picture and the start of a line and the child has to finish the story. The stories can be outrageous or realistic in content but either way, your child has an opportunity to use their imagination to construct a story without the stress of a grade. You can search "picture story starters" online for pictures. Enjoy the creative process!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Halloween Fun

I like to think of myself as a baker. I enjoy baking and creating yummy treats for my friends. I also have made cookies from time to time for a baptism or wedding. That being said, my cousin Kristen is a bonafide pastry chef and I have to give her a shout out! She has her own blog/website called INK foods- In Nanny's Kitchen, where she creates delicious treats and shares the recipes along with her delightful stories. I saw these Halloween treats the other day and even though they have nothing to do with Common Core or the OAA's, I thought you'd like them. They're something fun to do with your children and you don't have to be super crafty or a pastry chef to make them! Theses treats are called Halloween Cookie Critters and they're made with your favorite store bought cookie. Check out her website for this treat and other mouth watering creations!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Practicing Spelling

Fall is definitely here along with my favorite fall treat- candy corn and peanuts! If you haven't tried this delicious combination yet, get on it! I keep it in a jar at home and it disappears quite quickly! Some people add M&M's to the mix but I like it without the chocolate. It almost tastes like a Payday. Anyway, enough about my sweet tooth and onto educational things! Many parents have said, "My child is a horrible speller. How can I fix this?" Practice! It takes time for kids to quickly recognize blends, prefixes and suffixes and often using a dictionary proves hard because it's time consuming. Kids also don't like writing but they do like playing in sand. I saw this, on Pinterest of course, and thought I would pass the idea along to parents of struggling spellers. Using their SFA word list (their teachers would be happy to give it to you) or words they come across as they're reading, they can practice "writing" in the sand. Unfortunately there aren't sight word lists for kids above 3rd grade so I don't have a specific list for you. If you want to practice Pre-K through 3rd grade sight words search "Dolch Sight Words" on the computer for lists or look here for complete lists. You can practice in the sand by providing a model like the picture shows or giving your child a word aloud and having them "write" it with their finger.

Image and link found here

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Star Wars

Do you have any Star Wars fans in your house? If so, I have the event for you! If not, maybe this event will be just the thing to start your obsession! Here is the flyer information for the event taking place this Saturday at the Sharonville library.

The Cincinnati Shakespeare Company will be reading scenes from "William Shakespeare's Star Wars" by Ian Doescher in celebration of Star Wars Reads Day! A Q&A session will follow the performance.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 · 10:00 A.M. All Ages 
Sharonville Library
10980 Thornview Drive

Monday, September 23, 2013

Websites for Kids

Good morning! Can you believe this gorgeous weather? It's supposed to be 70's all week and that sounds like perfect fall weather to me! I love taking time, walking through my neighborhood and enjoying what's around me. We all know though fall weather can bring some rain showers too! I found this list of 10 free learning websites for kid (on Pinterest, of course!) and thought I'd share it with you when you're stuck inside on a crummy day. They are interactive and interesting for kids of all ages. Enjoy!

Websites for Kids

Here is also a list of upcoming events to put on your calendar: 
Tuesday, September 24        Staff Meeting
Thursday, September 26       Fall School Pictures
Friday, September 27            PTA Reading Reward during lunch
Wednesday, October 2         Professional Development – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Thursday, October 3             Parent/Teacher Conferences with homeroom teachers
Friday, October 4                  Duke Energy, "Showdown at Resource Ranch", Grades K - 5, 2:55 -3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 8               Ohio Achievement Assessments Grade 3 Reading
                                              6:30–8:00 PTA Business Meeting
                                               Book Fair Days
Wednesday, October 9          Student Council Meeting
Thursday, October 10           Parent/Teacher Conferences with homeroom teachers
Friday, October 11                EV Fire Department Safety Week Lessons Grades 2 & 4
Wednesday, October 16       sChipotle Fundraiser 4:00-8:00

Monday, September 9, 2013

Help with Multiplication

Happy Monday morning! I was thinking this weekend of ways to make students' lives easier. I know what you're thinking- don't they already have it made? With fantastic parents and teachers like us, who can argue! Well, I was thinking of ways to make their educational lives easier. I came across this technique to teach kids how to successfully multiply more than 1 digit and I thought I would pass it along. Kids love writing in different colors (those multicolor pens are a hit!) so this might encourage them when solving math problems (I'd use color pencils to start off). Here's the link if you'd like to check it out:
Using color to teach multidigit multiplication

Reminders for upcoming events:

Tuesday, September 10        PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, September 11   Patriot’s Day (Wear Red, White & Blue)
Monday, September 16         Bengals Spirit Day
Tuesday, September 17        Constitution Day (Wear Red, White & Blue)
Wednesday, September 18   Student Council Elections
Thursday, September 19      Interim Reports Sent Home
Friday, September 20           Family Movie Night- Wreck it Ralph- beginning at 6pm
Thursday, September 26      Fall School Pictures
Friday, September 27            PTA Reading Reward during lunch

Friday, August 30, 2013

Parents' Guides to Student Success

It was great to see everyone at Curriculum Night on Thursday! Teacher's handed out packets including various items such as school discipline and homework policies and what to expect in the upcoming year. I've mentioned Common Core before and I thought I would let you know there is a resource put out by the National PTA that outlines what your child should learn by the end of the year. I'll include the link here and I'll also put it on the side where the other links are located. I'll also include the Intermediate Discipline plan so you have easy access to it. If you have any questions, let me know!

Parents' Guides to Student Success

Discipline Policy 

Responsibilities for Learning                                                  Responsibilities for Behavior
               Complete class work                                                           Follow school/classroom rules
               Complete homework                                                          Respects rights and property
               Follows directions                                                                 Practices self-control
   Participate/exhibits effort                                                    Works cooperatively

Responsibilities for Effective Communication
                              Communicates appropriately
                              Respectfully expresses ideas clearly
                              Is an attentive listener

·      These responsibilities are aligned and reported on the elementary report card.
·      Evendale students are expected to be positive problem solvers and work with staff members to solve problems that arise though the use of the conflict stoppers, Think It Through sheets and Peace Path.
·      If a student fails to meet the expectations, the intermediate classroom discipline plan will be followed.  In addition, an “N” may be reported on the report card in the area of the infraction(s).
·      Severe infractions will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
·      The Evendale Student Handbook describes the types of infractions and the range consequences in more detail.
·      Students will receive recognition based on how well they achieve the Evendale Expectations.

Intermediate Action Steps to Discipline
Step 1
Warning (verbal, nonverbal cue, etc)-connection to specific expectation that was not followed.
Step 2
Completion of Think it Through Sheet- Teacher/student conference
Step 3
Same as above and loss of recess, note in planner
Step 4
Phone call home- document parent phone call
Step 5
Same as above and submit behavior documentation report to principal, contact parent and possible request of conference, and multiple infractions might result as an “N” reported on report card.
Step 6
Same as above and office referral

Students can be recognized for their successes throughout the year in various ways including, verbal praise, recognition on announcements, inclusion in the newsletter, reward recess, choice time, homework passes, certificates, S’s recorded on report cards, and semester and end-of–the-year awards assemblies.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Story maps

Hi, my name is Miss Joseph and I'm addicted to Pinterest. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I suggest not walking away from this post right now. Just kidding! Pinterest is a website where people post, or pin as the lingo goes, to virtual bulletin boards things they want to remember, try out, or just plain love. Pinterest pulls you in the instant you start looking at things and I can spend hours looking at everything from food recipes to clothing options to places I would love to travel but most importantly educational ideas! I have found several good ideas that I use in the classroom and I thought I would share some items a little at time that you can use at home.  As the year goes on you will be hearing more and more about common core. One of the standards is Informational Text and for grades 3-5, students need to be able to summarize what they have read and provide details.  The links below will provide you a printable version of story maps similar to the ones I use here at school.  They are graphic organizers that will help your child arrange their thoughts about a story they have read in a methodical manner, guiding them from beginning to end.  If you click on one and are unable to print, let me know. I've checked them all out but you never know with the internet! The last link is to the Pinterest website in case your interested although I'm warning you, it's pretty addictive!

Beginning, middle and end
Main idea and details
Facts Chart

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Upcoming Events!

Join us on Wednesday, August 28th from 6:30-8:00 pm for Curriculum Night! It's for grades K-5 and gives parents an opportunity to find out about our new math program, Go Math, our reading program, Success for All and school wide policies and expectations. Grades K-2 will be from 6:30-7:15 pm and 3-5 will be from 7:15-8:00 pm. Come socialize with other parents, participate in educational activities and ask your child's teachers questions about the curriculum. I look forward to seeing you at Evendale on August 28th!

On September 2nd school will be closed for Labor Day so enjoy the time with your family!

On September 3rd a PTA meeting will be held at Evendale at 6:30 pm and will last 1 hour. 

Monday, August 19, 2013


I've posted links to pages you may be interested in on the side of this page.  The first two are Evendale's page and Princeton's page.  The third is a link to the new Common Core Standards.  These learning standards have been adopted across 45 states, including Ohio, so you can familiarize yourself with the new standards on this page. I will continually add pages I think you may find interesting so come back to check them out!
Welcome back to the 2013-2014 school year! The ice cream social was a huge success, with the help of Evendale Walmart. It was wonderful to see everyone there and visit before school officially started. Today was the first day of school and the kids seemed to be excited to be back! I sent home student and parent interest inventories with your children today. Please complete them and return them to school by Friday, August 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact me at my school email I look forward to working with everyone this year and can't wait for all the exciting things to come!